Take Off Your Shoes to Feel

When walking barefoot, you get to experience the world in its entirety. Whether you’re walking on grass, carpet, cement, or other surfaces, you can feel what the shoe wearer does not. Planning architecture with this in mind helps to encourage visitors to lose footwear while making for beautiful design. Check out this article from Arch […]
Could a no-shoe policy help learning in the classroom?

For the past nine months, the message of hygiene and cleanliness has dominated schools, and yet not once has anyone looked down and thought about their feet. While we’ve scrubbed our hands and the surfaces they come into contact with relentlessly, our shoes – and the colony of germs locked into the soles – have […]
Barefoot to School

At the end of August, most schools in the United States go back in session. For many students, this means the days of barefoot summer are over and footwear is being forced upon them. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Most US schools require footwear for pupils, even very strict closed toe requirements […]
Children study Barefoot at Primary School in UK
Primary school children have been told to wear only socks for lessons after shoes were banned in an attempt to improve children’s results. Holmbush Primary School in Shoreham, West Sussex, declared that children should study barefoot after the school’s ‘Learning Council’, made up of Year Six pupils, found that ‘shoeless classrooms’ could help pupils learn. […]