Silicon Valley’s Shoeless Trend

New startups in Silicon Valley allow no-shoe office policies. Read more in this article by Business Insider. The tech world has become inextricably linked to a very specific work uniform: hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. That informality has permeated the office environment as well, with startups in Silicon Valley garnering a reputation for embracing out-of-the-norm […]
How to Live with Silly Shoe Dress Codes
How to Live with Silly Shoe Dress Codes
Work Dress Codes: What We Want as Adults
Work Dress Codes: What We Want as Adults
The Office where Shoes are Banned
The Office where Shoes are Banned
Barefoot to School

At the end of August, most schools in the United States go back in session. For many students, this means the days of barefoot summer are over and footwear is being forced upon them. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Most US schools require footwear for pupils, even very strict closed toe requirements […]
Right to Bare Feet – At Work
Over the past couple decades, work dress codes have relaxed in Corporate America. Most employees are no longer required to wear suits and ties for non-customer facing jobs. Many jobs have eased the slacks requirement for jeans. Offices for the most part have let nylons go the way of the dinosaur. While the corporate world […]