Health Benefits of Barefooting

Barefooting has health benefits for all age groups. Check often for updates and links to articles discussing the health benefits of barefooting. Remember to tune in to Barefoot is Legal Radio every Saturday from 10:30 AM to noon Pacific time for more discussion of health benefits!

Going barefoot helps prevent athlete’s foot

Hallux valgus in pre-school-aged children: the effects of too-short shoes on the hallux angle and the effects of going barefoot on podiatric health

Allowing Children Barefoot Play in the Garden Boosts Brain Development (& more)

Can going barefoot keep your brain young?

Kick off your shoes: the benefits of going barefoot

Walking Barefoot on Grass will Help you This Way

Don’t wear flip-flops while driving

Going Barefoot may be Good for your Health

Comparison of the feet of barefoot and shoe-wearing people

Going barefoot: Strong ‘foot core’ could prevent plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and other common injuries

Eye Exercises Improve Vision – Watch this video see how to improve vision while going barefoot.

Analysis on Walking, Running, and Other Relevant Topics – Research by Steven Robbins, MD, on injuries caused by footwear.

6 Reasons to Remove Your Shoes Inside – lists some of the toxic and negative health aspects of wearing shoes

Health Benefits of Going Barefoot – discusses how going barefoot can improve your health

Podiatrist Emily Splichal recommends barefoot exercises for stronger feet

Going barefoot improves sleep and reduces pain

Scientific proof running shoes cause injuries

Children often prefer going barefoot, and it is the healthiest choice their parents can let them make.

Heath benefits of earthing (bare skin connection to the earth)

Running shoes are not adequately tested for injury prevention but running barefoot has been scientifically proven to reduce injuries.

Running barefoot improves running technique

Dustin Edwards on the health benefits of barefooting and why he goes barefoot