I Did it Barefoot Challenge 2025

The annual #IDidItBarefoot challenge is coming! On April 4-6, 2025, go out barefoot and let us know you did! Barefooting is healthy and legal in all 50 states. It’s also normal in some parts of the world. Be part of the movement, free your feet, and go out barefoot!
2021 Tik Tok Video Contest

Barefoot is Legal is now on TikTok! To celebrate, we are running a new video contest. The winner will receive a one-year VIB package with all the benefits. Send your submissions to videos@barefootislegal.org and join our new channel!
Why walking barefoot might actually be good for you

If your mom ever scolded you about walking around barefoot, it appears she was wrong. Researchers say walking without shoes is actually good for your feet. The experts say walking barefoot actually strengthens the feet, while cushioned shoes weaken them, and hurt your stability and balance. Of course, you should still be careful about stepping […]
Barefoot is Legal Kicks Off its 5th Annual Barefoot Challenge

For the fifth year in a row, Barefoot is Legal is having its barefoot challenge. The challenge is to go barefoot into a business barefoot March 26-28, 2021. Read the entire press release here.
Second Annual Hot Dog Challenge